Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Portrait painting in oil. Realistic oil portrait of man
Monday, April 25, 2011
Long DAY!!
Today was a very long day!! i didn't sleep last night, i was thinking about many things. I was worried about the projects that i didn't finish yet, the exams, the job interview that i had to do today, and many other things. I slept at 7 am i think and i wake up at 10 am and i went for the interview, i was nervous that i might forget the way because i never went to the ministry of health before, i just drive to college or other some area so my father showed me the way last night and i have to remember it and i didn't sleep enough so it was really tough.
When i went there the people were very nice and i did well i think but they said that they will reply on June so i have to wait till then. I returned home to pray and after that i drove again to the college and when i reached the entrance my friend Amna called me saying that we don't have any left class, the 2pm class was cancelled. It was a shock and i returned home and tried not to sleep and i am still working on my different projects till now. I am very tired but i don't want to sleep i don't know why?!
When i went there the people were very nice and i did well i think but they said that they will reply on June so i have to wait till then. I returned home to pray and after that i drove again to the college and when i reached the entrance my friend Amna called me saying that we don't have any left class, the 2pm class was cancelled. It was a shock and i returned home and tried not to sleep and i am still working on my different projects till now. I am very tired but i don't want to sleep i don't know why?!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Roses in Watercolor
Today, I found a beautiful video, it is a rose painting using watercolor
i really want to draw like this, i am really excited to learn more and more..
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ahmad AlShugairi God bless you

Ahmad AlShugairi is a media man from saudi Arabia. He has a bachelor of management systems, and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of California. He is known in the Arab world because of his "Kawater" Series which means "thoughts". These Series was a great success because it adress the young people issues in our world in a very interesting and simple way and he always started his program by saying " i am not a mufti neither scholar nor a jurist i am just a person who seeks knowledge"

Ahmad is agreat man who has a great vision which is to make our world better following the Prohet Mohammed way which is Islam. Ahmad wants to send a messeage to all the people, that we can change, and we can be better.
Amnad talked about many things in his program and many thoughts as he named it. He talked about behaviour, time, reading, sport, technology, develpoment, proficiency, cleanliness, cultures, human rights, education, work, sincerity, love, optimisim, history, workers rights, blind people rights, solving problems, traditions and religions, thanking people, Arabic language, and many other things that make us better people with a better enviroment and civilization.
here is a list of some of the serius names
The reader today is the leader tomorrow
65 years old but young!
Do your best and then trust
Thank you
Tradions or religon?
People or animal?
Males or Mens?!
Super education
Ahmad represents many videos and intreviews with people which make the program more interesing and fun, he always travel and record videos from other countries to present how people act and beleive and develope themselves. In "kawater" season 5 he traveled to Japan and presented a really great and interesting programe about how people there respect others no matter what and how they did not let go of their traditions but they improve themselves with their traditions and religion. He also represent their time management, education system, technology, honest, human rights and respect and many other things.
some people start to complain that we cant reach Japan and it is a long way and the different is very huge so, In the last season last year which was season 6, he compared the Islamic countries to each other saying that, it is fine forget about Japan lets compare our selves to islamic countries like us and he also included an espsiode about Dubai to show the people how Dubai the Arab and Islamic city is, and how they did not complain but they did change, he presented a video about Kidizina Dubai which was lunched after "Kawater 5" wheh Ahmad presented Kidzinia in Japan .
In "Kawater 5" he showed a Japanese school and how the Japaenese teachs the kids to clean their own class so they will be clean and they will also repect the job of a dustman instead of dispise him like some people in the Arab world do, they do not respect this job.
After "Kawater 5" some schools in Saudi Arabia and Dubai started to apply this education system.
The point is, education is very important so we should teach the children to respect every job, Ahmad also mentioned that the Japanese dustman's salay is aroung AED 11,000 and it can reach AED 30,000. They respect him because he work for their health and he cleans their enviroment, wherease in the Arab countirs the dustman salary is less than AED 1000 ! The interesting thing is that not every one can be a dustman no! you should study a major about enivromernt i forger the name now but yes you cant just go and work like that!
In "Kawater 6" as i said he compared the Islamic countries to each other nowadays, he talked about Malaysia, Singapore and the UAE, he traveled to these countries to represent the comparison.
he also talked about Islamic countries in the history like Spain, Turkey, and Egypt and about the huge Ottoman empire and how Muslims were the number one in the world in everything compared to the European countries. It was a Dark ages in the European countries and in the same time it was The golden ages in the Islamic countries.
It was a very interesting program, I wish him Good Luck for his next "Kawater 7"
This is a short video from Kawater 5 in Japan, the workers and employees start their work by exercising
This is the only episode i found that has English subtitle and it is "Kawater 3"
Four suspicions about Islam & Mohammed
Here are some pictures from the series episodes of Kawater

I really like this person and respect him because he is honest and his goal is really great and pure. I f you see his program you will see him crying sometimes and laughing you can feel his honesty and sincerity he truly love people and wants the best for them, thats why people loves him.
Here is a part of the New York times interview with Ahmad
BROOKE GLADSTONE: Robert Worth is Middle East correspondent for The New York Times. We spoke to him last year. This Ramadan, Shugairi will focus on the Muslim world of the Middle Ages.
When we spoke to him in 2009, the then-35 year old Muslim televangelist told us that he became extremely religious during a seven year stay in California after, shall we say, a hyper secular period. He says his message of moderation grew out of the two extremes he lived while he was in the U.S.
AHMAD AL SHUGAIRI: You know, a pleasure-based life and zero spirituality, just living day by day and having fun, and then I switched to the total opposite, meaning I just cared about spirituality and religion. And I guess the, the balance is what I believe I reached.
Of course, everyone thinks he’s balanced at the end of the day. Even extremists describe themselves as being balanced. But I believe now religion helps me be a better manager, a better husband, a better student.
BROOKE GLADSTONE: When you were in the States, you were also watching a lot of television. Can you tell me what the American media taught you, if anything, about what you’re doing now?
AHMAD AL SHUGAIRI: Yeah, I think I heard it in one of the American books, that they have the strategy of not focusing more than 20 or 30 seconds on the same frame or something like that, and I'm using that. We don't focus on anything more than 30 seconds. So it’s a fast paced, right to the point, no lecture-y attitude.
BROOKE GLADSTONE: Tell me what the message is.
AHMAD AL SHUGAIRI: Live a balanced life, the same message as what Plato, Aristotle, uh, the prophets said. Be good in this life, never hurt anyone, perfect your work, and eventually this will, uh, come back to you as good on Earth and after death.
Also — one very important topic is respecting other religions and other cultures and opening dialog with them and not having me versus the world mentality. I mean, I'm not coming up with something new. It’s just I'm packaging it in a way that the youth can accept and understand.
You can hear it and read it from here:- can see his updates in
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Many things!
Today a lot of things happened, bad and good things. Well, thanks God for the both things, he is watching us so i am not worried. Every thing will be good soon enough because God is always here for us.
The good thing is that i was able to continue my drawing which i left since February. I didn't finish it yet but i start working in it again which is good.
I drew Hoor, she is my nephew, and this is her picture:
and this what i drew in February, i drew it using the squares method
This is today's shading
I will try my best to make it a good and nice portrait drawing
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Well, i have many things that i don't like about the college, but thats it, I can't handle it any more because it is ridicules and stupid ! i can't understand that a human brain which is the greatest miracle in this world can create and release such stupid policies!! How do these people think? what is their goals? what they want to achieve from these crazy regulations? They are happy because they established the silly hell gate!! and i wish they do it well, it will just start screaming sometime because of some problems! Why they need to check our IDs twice!! It is a waste of time and everyone is suffering from it!
Forget about the hell gate! i saw a strange and weird poster and i am really mad now!
Why ? Why is that?? What is the meaning of this!!
"we are sweet" " we are not what you think" OH really!!
why should a Muslim say that?! Did a Muslim did something wrong so he needs to justify!! and for whom??!!!
For whom!!
It just make me feel like we are terrorist or something!!
Why the accusation fingers are always on us Muslims!!
Why it is not on Israel or American, even thought i know that it is the government mistakes, and not all american are the same, but why no one say anything to them, why Muslims are always criminals!!
This is just ridiculous, we are the one who dies, our people are suffering and dying from wars and blockade and then we should say sorry don't misunderstand us because we are actually sweet!!!
I hate it, i really hate hypocrisy, i hate when people change the facts to their interest and benefit!
This is unfair!!
i really hate it when people close their eyes and ignore the fact and then they draw a fake picture and believe in it even thought they know it is not the right thing but they just do it and believe it!!
I hate injustice, i hate it
I am not saying that all Muslims are good people, But not all the Jews are good neither the Christians, so why? why it is just the Muslims who should say that they are sweet or please don't think bad about us!!
i am a Muslim and i don't need to tell you if i am good or not, if you misunderstand me because of others mistake that is your problem, because you have a miracle in your head that you should use and think wisely before judging people! i don't care what you think but don't accuse people like this!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Yotsuba! the best Manga i have ever read !
Yotsuba is a Manga (Japanese comic book) about a little girl who lives with her father. She is very funny, innocent and dummy! I love reading this Manga because it makes me laugh.
here are some pictures ... hope you will like it
Sunday, April 3, 2011
My Lost Talent !! .... Survived!
Since i was a kid, i loved drawing, it was part of my soul and life. I was trying hard to improve my drawing and my parents supported me, however i think that i wanted more. Now when i remember, sometimes i wish if my parents took me to a drawing courses or something even thought they bought every think i needed to improve my self and they encouraged me but i think the most important thing was to teach me. Time went and i grew, and as i was growing i was losing my talent and my intention and inspiration in drawing and i though that I LOST IT !
These are some of my old drawing and painting...
HOWEVER, i was trying to continue drawing little by little so i wont lose it forever, and these are my drawing in high school ( in the physics notebook)...
Thats it ^^ i will try my best to be an artist, wish me good luck
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